Friday, 19 February 2010

New test video!

A short but sweet video of thirteen testing has been uploaded to youtube and it shows the ride going at a unexpected speed through the woods!

Sunday, 14 February 2010

THI3TEEN Testing!

Now the park is open for the half term event you may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of thi3teen having the odd test run! Anyway heres some pics of a recent test run.

Here is also a video which was uploaded to youtube of the train entering the building for its drop feature or worlds first...

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Get your THI3TEEN wallpapers!

2 new THI3TEEN wallpapers are now availible on the official thi3teen minisite which can spruce up your desktop ready for the opening of thi3teen on march 20th!
You can download both of them at the THI3TEEN minisite.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Alex Reid on THI3TEEN!

A new video has been released of Alex Reid advertising the thrill seekers event and in this video you can check out how THI3TEEN is getting on.
With a few closer looks at the train you can see the detail into the train as well as the rest of the ride and station building.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Prepare to face THI3TEEN!

The thirteen mini site has been updated today to inform all thrill seekers that they can apply to face thirteen on march 2nd and 3rd but it won't be easy...Determined thrill seekers are invited to test their metal with an application process that makes Big Brother seem like your little sister!

To kick-start the ultimate search, the Alton Towers Resort has put together a team of experts including Celebrity Big Brother winner Alex Reid who will put wannabe riders through their paces in a series of gruelling tests including:

  • Psychometric testing
  • Interrogation interview
  • Rollercoaster endurance
  • Midnight 'bootcamp'

Applications are invited from midnight on Wednesday 3 February 2010... so watch this space!


Today in a press release regarding the preview for adrenaline junkies, a picture of Alex Reid promoting the new ride in the long awaited THI3TEEN trains.
Also in the press release was a new ride description...
TH13TEEN is the ultimate rollercoaster and every theme park ride you’ve ever dreamed of in one. The ride will join a long line of world-first attractions at the Alton Towers Resort including "Nemesis", "Oblivion" and "Air". Based on the discovery of an old burial ground, visitors will be invited to take a ride into the Dark Forest, where they will have to try and escape the all-consuming power of the creeping forest.